Lichen Sclerosus Support Resources
Brought to you by Emu Joy
Safe natural relief for LS symptoms Lichen Sclerosus Forum
A very active forum for women and men to discuss topics and questions related to Lichen Sclerosus. Lichen Sclerosus Forum
An active forum to post questions and replies about lichen sclerosus.
Lichen Sclerosus Support Network
Lichen Sclerosus Support Network is your place on the internet to find Peace of Mind, Confidence, and Support. Includes a provider database, a private support group, and holds virtual meetups.
The Lost Labia Chronicles
Jaclyn's website for all things Lichen Sclerosus. Blog posts, videos, and resources to help support you on your journey with Lichen Sclerosus and help you reclaim your life.
The Lichen Sclerosus Podcast
Interviews and informational episodes on all aspects of Lichen Sclerosus.
Reddit Forums - Lichen Sclerosus
Group Statement: This subreddit is dedicated to discussion and information about the skin disease lichen sclerosus.
All of these Facebook groups are private so you must request to become a member.
Sharing is Caring About Lichen Sclerosus
This is a group for women with Lichen Sclerosus and other similar disorders to share and discuss their personal experiences.
Facebook group: Lichen Sclerosis Support Group
A page for Lichen Sclerosis sufferers to talk candidly and privately to other sufferers with the purpose of support and understanding.
Lichen Sclerosus and Intimacy
A place where ladies with Lichen Sclerosis can come to talk about sex, discomforts in sex.
Healing Naturally
This is a support group for all those who refuse to believe that suppressing our immune systems is the permanent cure. We believe that eating real nourishing foods will help heal our bodies, and reclaim our perfect health.
Resources and Products for Lichen Sclerosus
This group is for advertising products or services relating to lichen sclerosus and other skin disorders.
Lichen Sclerosus & Lichen Planus Skin Disorder Support
Women supporting other women and discussing what works for their LS/LP conditions.
Resources and Products for Lichen Sclerosus
This group is for advertising products or services relating to lichen sclerosus and other skin disorders.
Facebook group: Lichen Sclerosus UK Support Group
Lichen Sclerosus UK support group was set up to help and support patients in the United Kingdom and enable them to share treatments, procedures and doctors as names and terminology differ worldwide. This is NOT a UK exclusive group.
Additional Facebook groups for LS can be found here.
Help! I Have Lichen Sclerosus
by Allicia Mae Cain and Ann Foweraker
This book is available in Paperback and Kindle
Hope for remission of LS symptoms via natural healing methods including Sodium tetraborate (borax) therapies:
Collated wisdom from fellow sufferers
Lichen Sclerosus: Body, Mind, Spirit Practices to Heal the Stress of LS
by Stephanie Hrehirchuk
This book this book takes a holistic approach to LS while keeping management of it simple.