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Emu Oil Research & Clinical Studies

Scientists and physicians have conducted many studies of emu oil's uses, including:



Seborrheic Dermatitis

IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)

Crohn's Disease

Fatty Acid Analysis

Moisturizing properties


Hair Growth

Arthritis relief

Radiation Dermatitis

Skin Thickness 

Carrier Properties for Topical Lidocaine

Wound Healing


Emu Oil Research and Clinical Studies


  • Ventura-Escuin C. Open, observational, case-series study of the efficacy and tolerability of emu oil in the treatment of patients with psoriasis and xerotic eczema. Skin. October 2005; 20(8): 370-372.
  • Hobday GR. Emu oil. Australian Emu . July/August 1994.
    • Rokicki R. The great emu comeback. Mother Earth News . October/November 2000:16-17.
    • American Emu Association. AEA Oil Standards Team. International Emu Oil Standards . Revision 2. May 1998. 
    • Minnaar M. Introduction to emu oil: fats and oils in human health. In: Minnaar P, Minnaar M, Minnaar P. The Emu Farmers Handbook . Vol 1. Groveton, TX: Myoni Publishing Co.; 1997.
    • Whitehouse MW, Turner AG, Davis CKC, Roberts MS. Emu oil(s): A source of non-toxic anti-inflammatory agents in aboriginal medicine. Inflammopharmacology . 1998;6:1-7.
    • Politis MJ, Dmytrowich A. Promotion of second intention wound healing by emu oil lotion: comparative results with furasin, polysporin, and cortisone. Plast Reconstr Surg . 1998;102:2404-2407.
    • Lopez A, Sims DE, Ablett RF, et al. Effect of emu oil on auricular inflammation induced with croton oil in mice. Am J Vet Res . 1999;60:1558-1561.
    • Yoganathan S, Nicolosi R, Wilson T, et al. Antagonism of croton oil inflammation by topical emu oil in CD-1 mice. Lipids . 2003;38:603-607.
    • Penturf M, O'Bannon S, Griswold J. Evaluation of emu oil in lubrication and treatment of healed burned wounds. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the American Burn Association ; March 18-21, 1998; Chicago, IL.
    • "Looking Into Emu Oil" . By Frank Orthoefer. ACH Food Companies
    • "Fatty Acid Composition: Comparative Analysis of Emu, Ostrich, and Rhea Oil" . By M C. Craig-Schmidt and K R Willian, Department of Nutrition and Food Science. Auburn University
    • "Structure of Emu Oil - Emu Oil Fatty Acid Analysis". By Margaret C. Craig-Schmidt, Ph.D., Amanda Brown M.S., Paul C. Smith, D.V.M., Ph.D. Auburn University
    • "Emu Oil Processing and Properties". By E. Hernandez, Ph.D. Food Protein Research & Development Center. Texas A&M University
    • Bennett, G. Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia, John Van Voorst, London, 1860
    • Code, W (1997) Emu Cream Assists Lidocaine: Local Anesthetic Absorption through Human Skin. 88th American Oil Chemists Society annual meeting, May 1997. Reprinted from AEA News, Summer 1997 issue
    • Craig-Schmidt M and K.R. Willian, K.R. (1997) Fatty Acid Composition: Comparative analysis of emu, ostrich and rhea oil.
    • Abstracts: 88th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, Seattle WA, May 1997
    • Davies, Max (pers comm). Emu Oil – The Benefits and the Claims. Davies, Stephen (1996) Australian Emu 11:6-8
    • Ghosh, P and Whitehouse, M.W (1993) Experimental Study to Determine the Anti-Arthritic Activity of a New Emu Oil
    • Hernandez, E (1995) Emu Oil Processing and Properties. AEA News, November 1995
    • Hopkins, L (1997). Composition of Emu Oil: The Micro View. Reprinted from AEA News, Spring 1997 issue
    • Johns, J. G, (1996). Oil markets and Marketing. Proceedings World Emu Symposium. Adelaide. Ed. Keogh, K. Hartley. Management Group. SOUTH AUSTRALIA.
    • Johns, J. G, (1996) Oil Production Techniques and Standards. Proceedings World Emu Symposium. Adelaide. Ed. Keogh, K. Hartley Management Group. SOUTH AUSTRALIA.
    • Minnaar, Maria (1998). The Emu Farmers Handbook. Nyoni Publishing, TEXAS USA.
    • Smith, P.C and Craig-Schmidt, M. (1995). Fatty acid analysis of Emu oil. Australian Emu 4:33-34. (Also in AEA News, September 1994).
    • St George Marketing Solutions. (1997). Marketing Plan for Emu Oil, grade 1 for the Australian Emu Industry. Kinko,s International Australia, SYDNEY. Thompson, P (1997) Oils Aint Oils. Australian 17:8-9
    • Whitehouse, Michael (1997) Results of Oil Research. Australian Emu 17:8-9.
    • Whitehouse, M.W and Turner A (1997) Inflammopharmacology, San Francisco, March 1997 conference proceedings. Reprinted from AEA News, Summer 1997 issue)
    • Zemstov, Alexander, Gaddis, Monica, and Montalvo-Lugo, Victor. (1995). Moisturising and cosmetic properties of Emu oil: a double blind study. Australian Emu 6:31-33. (Also in AEA News, October/November 1994).17
    • Fukushima M, Ohashi T, Sekikawa M, Nakano M. Comparative hypocholesterolemic effects of five animal oils in cholesterol-fed rats. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 1999;63:202-5.
    • Lopez A, Sims DE, Ablett RF, et al. Effect of emu oil on auricular inflammation with croton oil in mice (abstract). Am J Vet Res 1999;60:1558-61.
    • Politis MJ, Dmytrowich A. Promotion of second intention wound healing by emu oil lotion: comparative results with furasin, polysporin, and cortisone. Plast Reconstr Surg 1998;102:2404-7.
    • Zemtsov A, Gaddis M, Montalvo-Lugo VM, Zemstov A. Moisturizing and cosmetic properties of emu oil: a pilot double blind study. Australas J Dermatol 1996;37:159-61.
    • Snowden JM, Whitehouse MW. Anti-inflammatory activity of emu oils in rats. Inflammopharmacology . 1997;5:127-132.
    • Explore: Emu Oil Research: Emu Oil: The Undiscovered Secret
    • “Emu Oil (S): A Source of Non-Toxic Transdermal Anti-Inflammatory Agents in Aboriginal Medicine”; Inflammopharmacology. 1998; 6: 1-8.1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed I the Netherlands. Drs: M.W. Whitehouse, A.G. Turner, C.K.C. Davis and M. S. Roberts.39.
    • “Gatherings of a naturalist in Australasia”. London: John Van Voorst, Paternoster Row: 1860.
    • “Emu Oil – Its Anti-Inflammatory Properties” – Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation Report. RIRDC Publication No. 99/133; RIRDC Project No DAW-82A; Dr John M. Snowden.
    • “Evalauation of Emu Oils for Anti-inflammatory Activities” by Dr Margaret Craig-Schmidt, Dr Michael Wellesley Whitehouse PhD in Chemistry University Oxford and MP Ghosh.
    • Experimental Study to Determine the Anti-Arthritic Activity of New Emu Oil Formulation (EMMP). (1993). By: Dr. Peter Ghosh at Royal North Shore Hospital of Sydney, Australia and Dr. Michael Whitehouse at University of Adelaide, Australia. 
    • Fatty Acid Analysis of Emu Oil. By: Dr. Paul Smith, Dr. Margaret Craig-Schmidt, Amanda Brown at Auburn University. 
    • Fatty Acid Composition: Comparative analysis of emu, ostrich and rhea oil. By: Dr. Margaret Craig-Schmidt and K.R. William at Auburn University. (1996) 
    • International Emu Oil Guidelines. By: The AEA Oil Standards Team, Lee D. Smith (Team Leader) (1997). 
    • Emu Oil: Comedogenicity Testing. By: Department of Dermatology, at University of Texas Medical School, Houston. 
    • Moisturizing and Cosmetic Properties of Emu Oil: A Double Blind Study. By: Dr. Alexander Zemtsov, Indiana University School of Medicine: Dr. Monica Gaddis, Ball Memorial Hospital; and Dr. Victor Montalvo-Lugo, Ball Memorial Hospital. 
    • Composition of Emu Oil: The Micro View. By: Dr. Leigh Hopkins, AEA Oil Standards Team (Research Leader) . 
    • Emu Cream Assists Lidocaine: Local Anesthetic Absorption through Human Skin. By: Dr. William Code. (Presented at the 88th American Oil Chemists Society annual meeting. 
    • Emu Oil: A Source of Non-Toxic Transdermal Anti-Inflammatory Agents in Aboriginal Medicine (1997). By: Dr. Michael Whitehouse and Athol Turner, Dept. Of Medicine, University of Queensland, Australia (Source: Inflammapharmacology, San Francisco, March 1997 conference proceedings). 
    • Anti Aging Treatment Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation & Natural Results. Melb & Shepparton. 
    • Emu Oil Offers Protection in Crohn's Disease Model in Rats. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2016; 16: 55.
    • Emu Oil Reduces Small Intestinal Inflammation in the Absence of Clinical Improvement in a Rat Model of Indomethacin-Induced Enteropathy. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2013, Article 429706.

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